September 26, 2008

Punched @ 1000fps

Action Figure accomplice and buddy Cory Kilduff, the TX half of the dirty DiscoHouseElectro duo Ocelot took the recently acquired footage of the AF crew punching each other in the face at 1000 frames per second and repurposed it to his remix of the Robyn track "Be Mine"- I enjoyed it! Link

September 24, 2008

Electing a US President in Plain English

A short and simple guide to understanding the US election process - concise and to the point - very well done!

September 18, 2008

Compositing Techniques

No, I didn't take big plastic letters to the beach (yes, I did think about it!) 
I've been experimenting with compositing techniques - pretty happy with the outcome here. The text in the photo was modelled and composited in Cinema 4d - the HDRI/lighting make this work; but it definitely took a bit of experimenting to get it right. Click on the image to see a larger version.

September 16, 2008

Non-Partisan Message...

Great impressions from both ladies, but Tina Fey's, Palin was creepy good. If ever Palin needs a stand-in, Tina's her man - so to speak! Update: They did it again! Link

September 12, 2008

What are you buying?

Interesting article in the NY Times about comparative consumption - cool visuals too! Link

September 3, 2008

Sketch of the day

Just doodling - using a Wacom tablet in Photoshop - what do you think she's thinking about?